Biggest mistakes recruiters can make

Maria / September 27, 2016
Category : Recruitment, Recruitment advice

You can find hundreds of articles on the web about the worst mistake a job seeker can do and even more about interview etiquette, but not much is said about the biggest turn offs for a job seeker. But in fact, one slight slip up and a bad reputation among job seekers is formed, affecting the company’s future hiring campaigns.

Reducing the cost of recruitment

Maria / September 6, 2016
Category : Recruitment, Recruitment advice, Social media

Whether you are the leader of your own recruitment campaign or use an external staffing agency, hiring and retaining talent can be a difficult and expensive task. Here at Jobboard Finder we have put together our years of HR experience to bring you the best advice to effectively cut these recruitment costs.

How to choose the best job board ?

Dorota Beaurin / August 10, 2016
Category : Job board information, Job board tips and help, Recruitment, Recruitment advice

There are literally thousands of job boards around the world, covering every profession, niche, and location. With so many to choose from, how do you decide?

Allow me to help. As a bit of background, I’ve been both a producer and consumer of job board services since 1997. I now work as a consultant for job boards, helping them serve their customers more effectively. I look at hundreds of sites each year – and I have some suggestions on how to pick the one that’s right for you.

Best Guidelines for International eRecruitment

Marc Mendelman / August 1, 2016
Category : International recruitment, Recruitment, Recruitment advice

Connecting with candidates from all over the world is one of the numerous benefits online recruitment has brought to the work marker in the recent decades. As with all things online, it is rapidly and continuously evolving. For this reason, the process of international online recruitment should be periodically reassessed, to identify the most effective principles for using it.