3 Helpful Sites For Jobseekers

Maria / October 25, 2016
Category : Jobseeker, Jobseeker advice

As a job seeker, finding support and guidance on the internet during your job search can be difficult. Here at Jobboard Finder, we know this process is lengthy and job seekers are constantly looking for online support with their search; so we have compiled a list of helpful sites that can make the job hunt journey easier and stress-free.

4 key signs that you need to quit your job

Maria / October 6, 2016
Category : Jobseeker, Jobseeker advice

We all have moments when we really question if our job is worth turning off the snooze button for the third time and getting out of our warm beds in the winter mornings when it is so dark and cold that you can see your breath in front of you. At these points in our life, we really start to doubt the importance of the job that we do every day and this leads us to considering other possibilities or opportunities elsewhere.