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Subito Presentation

Site's statement

Subito is the company no. 1 in Italy to buy and sell. We were born in Milan in 2007 and today, in our country, we are steadily positioned among the top 10 most visited online brands and as the first web ad service (Source: Media Audiweb Total Digital Audience 2014).

Our goal is always to offer the easiest, fastest and safest online sales service in Italy. With, people at first experience and professional users are able to do good business, and a great deal is often synonymous with desire. We need the great results of an intuitive and effective platform and a broad and quality offer with controlled content for greater security. And then, of course, to a tireless team made of people who work, passionately, for people. It is currently part of the Norwegian multinational Schibsted Media Group, which operates successfully in 29 countries in the publishing markets (newspapers and free press), online (sales and digital advertising sites) and mobile. The Group was founded in 1839 and now has 6,900 employees.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion


Summary: A popular Schibsted classifieds website for over 11 years, Subito is a big thing in Italy. In fact, it is the leading classifieds website in Italy, the 9th most visited website in Italy and the 9th most visited classifieds website in the world! The logo changed a mere 3 years ago, and the quality of the website is just what you would expect from the renowned Norwegian group. Subito attracts 74.37 million views a month, and other Schibsted websites can be found on Subito in the “About Us” section. On top of that, they have 6 710 followers on Twitter, 925 508 on Facebook, hundreds of thousands of users and many Youtube videos. So, what makes Subito so great?

Design: The dominant colour is red. To access the job offers, you can click on the map on the homepage or go through the “employment” icon on the left. Once you are in the employment section, you can browse job offers or job requests (keywords, the category and the location), which appear in a list with or without an image (those that don’t one, have either a briefcase for job offers or a little worker for job requests). A lot of the job offers have no photo. The listing only takes up half the page and there are a few pop-ups on the side. To filter the offers, you need to use the advanced search engine (location, category, contract hours, type of contract, education). The openings can be sorted by relevance, dearest to cheapest or vice versa. You can also choose to view only business, only personal or only other offers. There is rarely any branding, but it is easy to look through the job offers with the “back” and next” buttons. If the phone number is provided, you can see it before even opening the job offer. They have a list of companies to help people find local businesses for specific needs (you can choose from the list of categories and choose a specific location to find companies). It could also be used to discover new companies for applications.

The job board objective: Subito makes it easy for people to look for jobs and post jobs, among other things.

Recruiter observations: If you would like to post for a company, you need to provide a tax number. You don’t actually need to create an account though and you can include a lot of information about the job offer.

Jobseeker observations: When creating an account, they ask you your age and your gender. Ultimately though, you don’t really need an account since you can see the phone numbers when they are provided.

The job offers: There are 183 987 posts in the employment section, with 77 448 being actual job offers. Most of the offers are odd jobs and vacancies that need to be filled quickly. You need to spend a lot of time going through the adverts because of the quantity and sometimes poor quality.

Reactivity: There’s no reason to contact the website. The reactivity really depends on the other users (whether or not they react to your posts or your interest in theirs). It’s rather difficult to find any actual contact information on the website.

Special features: The fishbowl on the registration page; the media section; the error page (a dinosaur appears, eating the page, and it says “On Subito, you can find everything except this page).

Verdict: Subito is a great place to sell and buy used items. As for the job section, it’s a popular choice for odd jobs, but there are more professional websites for more professional positions.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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