How Google’s Cloud Jobs API is changing the game for everyone?

Maria / December 13, 2016
Category : Job board information, Job board news

Not wanting to be left out of the global HR industry, Google has once again shown how dominatingly powerful and ahead of the game their brand is. By releasing their very own toolkit which enhances recruitment technology services and products, they have created their specific space in a very saturated market. Not actually adding to the list of available job boards, they are providing a software, built on their expertise and prowess, to improve applicant tracking system, job board and career site solutions. This one of kind and innovative product is predicted to dominate the industry and it has already secured their newly created position in the recruitment technology business.

Top 4 Freelance Job Boards

Maria / November 8, 2016
Category : Job board information, Specialist job boards

As more and more professionals are choosing the freedom and independent style of freelance work, the number of online resources for the freelance community is multiplying. Here at Jobboard Finder, the world’s largest job board search engine and comparison website, we have put together a list of our trusted and recommended job boards for individuals looking for freelance work around the world.

Top 4 IT Job boards

Maria / November 1, 2016
Category : Job board information, Specialist job boards

IT specialist job boards are one of the most abundant type of niche job board available in the world, as technically inclined recruiters want to have clear access to the best tech talent. Here at Jobboard Finder, the world’s largest job website directory and job board comparison website, we have put together a list of the best IT job boards to help both job seekers and recruiters in the search for the dream job and ideal candidate.

Advice for Small Business Hiring

Maria / September 22, 2016
Category : Job board information, Job board tips and help

If you have just launched a start-up or your business is still in the early stages of taking off then you will know what exciting and challenging times lie ahead. But finding the right people to share in the buzz is not always an easy task and for directors of small businesses the hiring process can be a very personal experience as it is a search for someone to share in your dream. We have compiled a brief list of key points to bear in mind when you start looking for that potential employee.

How to choose the best job board ?

Dorota Beaurin / August 10, 2016
Category : Job board information, Job board tips and help, Recruitment, Recruitment advice

There are literally thousands of job boards around the world, covering every profession, niche, and location. With so many to choose from, how do you decide?

Allow me to help. As a bit of background, I’ve been both a producer and consumer of job board services since 1997. I now work as a consultant for job boards, helping them serve their customers more effectively. I look at hundreds of sites each year – and I have some suggestions on how to pick the one that’s right for you.